Sayed Mohmood Hasamuddeen Al-Gailani

Sayed Mohmood Hasamuddeen Al-Gailani

Sayed Mohmood Hasamuddeen Al-Gailani, Ghazni Wolesi Jirga representative.
Nationality Afghanistan
Occupation legislator

Sayed Mohmood Hasamuddeen Al-Gailani was elected to represent Ghazni Province in Afghanistan's Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of its National Legislature, in 2005.[1] He is from the Pashtun ethnic group. He is a grandson of Pir Gailani, a prominent Sufi, and leader of an Afghan political party. He doesn't live in Ghazni.


  1. ^ "Province: Ghazni". Navy Postgraduate School. 2007. Archived from the original on 2010-01-29.